All Matches are subject to COVID restrictions at the time and could be changed at short notice, please check if in doubt.

Sunday matches are open to all members and are charged at £10 for seniors and £3 for Juniors - Both include a £1 donation to the club and £1 towards the £50 Golden Peg.  Based on 13 anglers (Max) that provides £104 distributed as £40, £30, £20 and £14.

PLEASE NOTE matches are limited to 13 to ensure adequate space so please book on asap.

The home match record for the Sunday matches is currently 69lb set by the legend that is Brian Beswick from Peg 31 back in 2005.

If you are interested in coming along but have not fished a match or are short of a piece of equipment then please ask on the facebook page and we will try our best to provide advice and assistance - we are a friendly bunch so please expect a warm welcome and plenty of banter.

The 2022 Sunday league is run on points with your worst 4 of the 12 match points being dropped - if at the end of the league there is a tie then the total weight from your best 8 points matches will carry.  Entry to the league is free of charge and the winner will be presented with a trophy at the 2022 AGM.

Don't worry if you can't fish every Sunday, you do not have to be in the league to fish the matches all members are welcome.

Tom Nesbitt Trophy - 3rd April 2022

Mike Andrews1622lb 14oz
Alan Duggan Jnr1015lb
John Smith2212lb 5oz
Christian Smith219lb 8oz
Tony Zak306lb 2oz
Mark Preston124lb 4oz
Shaun Sheridan284lb 2oz
Kevin Hobbs343lb
Alan Duggan Snr262lb 14oz
John Dale14DNW
Danny Parker7DNW
Les 'Lambchop' Crook32DNW
John Laird4DNW

Reservoir Cup - 24th April 2022

Alan Duggan Jnr1632lb
Tony Zak1024lb 12oz
Wayne Peake3016lb 8oz
Simon Crellin2614lb 2oz
Danny Parker710lb 9oz
Morgan Minto1410lb 4oz
Shaun Sheridan2110lb 1oz
John Smith329lb 8oz
Christian Smith47lb
Al Diamond126lb 2oz
Mike Andrews346lb
Les Crook225lb
Alan Duggan Snr283lb
Mark Preston1DNW

Brian and Barbara Palmer Trophy - 8th May 2022

Christian Smith438lb
Mark Preston133lb
Mike Andrews1632lb 12oz
Wayne Peake2631lb 8oz
Alan Duggan Jnr2830lb 8oz
Simon Crellin2220lb 9oz
Les Crook1418lb 2oz
Dave Leeming3011lb 4oz
Shaun Sheridan129lb
Danny Parker216lb
John Smith345lb 14oz
Alan Duggan Snr104lb 4oz
Kevin Hobbs322lb

Cliff Pirie Silver Fish Cup - 19th June 2022

Paul Potter3426lb 6oz
Christian Smith2222lb
Alan Duggan Snr 1217lb 8oz
Ray Cropper2612lb 6oz
Simon Crellin169lb
Mike Andrews307lb 8oz
Paul Weeks47lb 4oz
Kevin Hobbs326lb 10oz
Les Crook 144lb 4oz
John Dale103lb
Dave Stirzaker1DNW
Danny McGuinness28DNW
F1 Pool Winner
Simon Crellin1623lb 10oz

Reservoir Dogs Pairs - 3rd July 2022

Danny McGuinness1439lb 14oz
Simon Crellin1018lb 8oz
Paul Potter3414lb 8oz
Les Crook1213lb
Morgan Minto1612lb
Christian Smith289lb 14oz
Mike Andrews227lb 1oz
Tony Zach265lb 14oz
John Dale301lb 2oz
Danny Parker321lb
Dave Leeming4DNW
Pairs Results
1st PlaceDanny McGuinness & Paul Potter54lb 6oz
2nd PlaceLes Crook & John Smith37lb 8oz
3rd PlaceSimon Crellin & John Dale19lb 10oz

Rezomania BBQ Match - 7th August

Dave Leeming2637lb 10oz
Danny McGuinness2837lb
Alan Duggan Jnr1633lb 10oz
Wayne Peake431lb 2oz
Danny Parker1023lb
Paul Weeks3221lb 4oz
Mike Andrews2218lb 14oz
Shaun Sheridan3410lb
Tony Zac127lb 2oz
Morgan Minto307lb
Les Crook146lb 8oz
John Smith214lb

Alan Cossey Silver Match Trophy - 4th September 2022

Paul Potter2214lb 12oz
Christian Smith2914lb
Wayne Peak411lb 2oz
Mike Andrew68lb
Tony Zac167lb
John Smith146lb
Morgan Minto215lb 2oz
Alan Duggan Jnr104lb 4oz
Shaun Sheridan284lb 2oz
Les Crook26DNW
Danny McGuinness12DNW
F1 Pool Winner
Wayne Peake412lb 14oz

Halsall Trophy - 9th October 2022

Simon Crellin2222lb
Shaun Sheridan2920lb
Alan Duggan Jnr719lb 12oz
Mike Andrews2119lb 2oz
John Smith1217lb
Paul Potter417lb
Christian Smith3414lb 4oz
Wayne Peake1614lb 2oz
Morgan Minto2810lb 14oz
Danny Parker265lb 2oz
Alan Duggan Snr144lb 2oz
Mark Preston102lb
Danny McGuinness32DNW

Reservoir Dogs Teams of 3 - 20th November 2022

Winning TeamCombined Weight
Dave Leeming
Alan Duggan Jnr
Pete Mills
17lb 2oz
Top 3 AnglersPegWeight
Danny (Marra) Parker1015lb 2oz
Dave Leeming2215lb
Wayne Peake48lb 10z

Winter Cup - 4th December 2022

Tony Zac1511lb 8oz
Mike Andrews79lb 6oz
Wayne Peake286lb 10oz
Danny McGuinness145lb 8oz
Christian Smith183lb 12oz
Al Diamond213lb 4oz
Mark Preston237oz
Shaun Sheridan46oz
A Duggan Snr22DNW
A Duggan Jnr26DNW
Danny Parker24DNW
John Dale16DNW
Morgan Minto34DNW

Alan Duggan Shield - TBC


King of the Tip Trophy - TBC
